SUSTAINABLE FOOD Food production is challenged by population growth (demand for finite water, soil & fisheries resources exceeds supply, loss of habitat & biodiversity), developing nations (more protein demand), peak oil (cost of fertilizer & fuel) and climate change (emissions, food miles & changing weather reduces food security). Food security is also challenged by concerns over industrialized farming practices including - inefficient irrigation, water usage & high embedded water; polluting run-off due to monoculture cropping requiring high fertilizer and chemical pest control use; excessive use of hormones; GM lack of knowledge & co-design of sterile plant seeds, fertilizers & pest control for IP & max profit; unhealthy processed foods with excessive salt, fat & sugar; less nutrition & flavour in fruit & veg that is picked green, stored for long periods & artificially rippened; lack of ownership & control of price and availability with multi-national globalized markets. This has lead to a drive to develop advanced tech Urban Farms with controlled environments in which - water use is efficient; pest control is easier & natural; nutrients are recycled; pressure on natural systems is far less; food miles minimal; food security comes with local ownership; produce is consumed locally and is fresher; and there is social benefit from connecting with nature.
EnGen Institute 1992-2022
Climate-controlled greenhouses with multiple climate zones support aero, hydro & aqua-ponic systems for food production in robotic, closed-cycle Plant Life Support Systems. Energy efficienct climate-control via good insulation, passive heating & cooling, heat pumps & thermal mass The use of chemicals is minimized by recycling nutrients and using natural controls - bee colonies, ladybugs etc
Climate Controlled Greenhouses
Nutrient Recycling
Modular Hydroponics System Modular Aquaculture Facility Climate Controlled Greenhouse Urban Farm Automation Urban Farm Automation
Coupled hydroponics, aquaponics and bio-reactors in a closed-cycle systems
Heat Pumps and Thermal Mass